Gabby Douglas is now officially an Olympian gold medalist.Gabrielle Douglas was born on December 31,1995 in Virginia beach,Virginia.She was born a gymnast and as a toddler would climb up things and would do perfect cart wheels.Her older sister convinced her mom to put her in gymnastics class when she was 6.By the time she was 8 she was already very advanced.Her dad during that time went Iraq and Afghanistan during the world and came back safe but then her parents got divorced and she was devastated.She stayed to gymnastics but by the time she was 14 the gymnastics company she was going to couldn't really help her anymore, she already knew everything and they didn't really do competitions.After seeing the 2008 Olympics and seeing Shawn Johnson and her coach Gabby wanted that coach to be her coach.So at age 14 she convinced her mom , Natalie, to let her go to Iowa to train at Liang Chow's Gymnastics Institute and live with a family that she doesn't even know to train for the Olympics.She was homesick so much and at one point thought about quiting.Her older sister and Mom said NO.Her Mom and her sister said that if she really wanted to give up her dream that was her decision but it is something you will regret.And so she got back on track and decided she wasn't going to give up her dream.Her dream was to make it there ,to make it to the Olympics and that's what she did.She and the Fab five are some of the most inspiring athletes out there and I love them.Gabby Douglas inspires me never to give up and to go through blood,sweat,and lots of pain and tears to make your dream a reality.And to never think that anything is impossible.She is now the first colored/African-american women to win gold at the All-around womens gymnastics competition at the Olympics.I love her and today in honor of her achievement my quotes will be from her.

"If you can push through the hard days,you can push through anything!"
"Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me."-Gabby Douglas
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