Today is an awesome day. On May 4th,1929 one of my favorite people ever was born. Audrey Hepburn. Through her life she has made an impact on SO many people. She didn't have a dad for most of her child life. Then grew up to be a glorious actress. After her career she had three miscarries and 2 children. She went on to help so many children and villages with UNICEF. She was always sad about all those children that were less fortunate. And had the most full heart of compassion. Her and many other people such as,Marilyn Monroe, Gene Kelly, Judy Garland, Cary Grant and so many other people have left a wonderful mark for children of the future like me. So now I want to give back just a little of my over whelming gratitude by everyday naming one of my favorite quotes and inspirations. So today my first day I'm starting with Audrey Hepburn. Have fun reading my blog Hannah's 365 quotes and inspirations.
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