Today is Patriot Day or known as the anniversary of the tragic attack, 9/11. This Tragedy occured on September 11th,2001 in New York City and Arlington,Virginia.19 hijackers hijacked four passenger planes.Planing to intentionally fly the planes into four buildings,The Two World Trade Center towers,The Pentagon,and The United States Capital Building.Both of the World Trade centers were hit and collapsed,The Pentagon was also hit,and the Capital was not hit the plane instead crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.More than 3,000 people were killed but America and every single person in America was effected in some form or way.Thousands gave up there life for us by going into the army,military,navy,and Air Force to protect us.Thousands of people lost there loved ones,sons,daughter,best friends,mom,dads,husbands,and wives.Thousands decided to pray for those who were killed and for those who were hurt.And for once in the new century strangers helped strangers.One American helped another not because they would get any benefits but because they just wanted to help.America was changed in way that can never be reversed.Today is a day to reconize all those killed,wounded,hurt,or sick(from the debrie) from the 9/11 terrorists attack.It is also to honor all the people that helped put America back together,the firefighters that died,people of New York,all the churchs and donations,and every single person to help.New York City is currently rebuilding the World Trade Centers.The first one is under Construction,and they are planning to make 4 more.9/11 will always be remembered as a horrible terrorists attack but will also be remembered as an event to change the hearts of millions.
"The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead we have emerged stronger and more unified. We feel renewed devotion to the principles of political, economic and religious freedom, the rule of law and respect for human life. We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom."-Rudolph W. Giuliani
Somebody holding up a picture of their loved one as the flag is being folded.
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“History dressed up in the glow of love’s kiss turned grief into beauty.” ― Aberjhani
“Well I won't back down
No I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I won't back down”- Tom Petty
“September 11… I will never forget feeling scared and vulnerable… I will never forget feeling the deep sad loss of so many lives… I will never forget the smell of the smoke that reached across the water and delivered a deep feeling of doom into my gut… I will never forget feeling the boosted sense of unity and pride… I will never forget seeing the courageous actions of so many men and women… I will never forget seeing people of all backgrounds working together in community… I will never forget seeing what hate can destroy… I will never forget seeing what love can heal…”
― Steve Maraboli
“My brother was on his way
to a dental appointment
when the second plane hit
four stories below the office
where he worked. He’s never
said anything about the guy
who took football bets, how
he liked to watch his secretary
walk, the friends he ate lunch with,
all the funerals. Maybe, shamed
by his luck, he keeps quiet,
afraid someone might guess
how good he feels, breathing.”
― Tony Gloeggler
At the Memorial in D.C. |
“Listen. Outside this frame I can see light,
heavy as pardon, reliable as granite.
Help me. Help me drag it into the picture.”
― Jeanne Murray Walker
“The same pictures over and over.
Planes going into buildings.
Bodies falling.
People waving shirts out of high windows.
Planes going into buildings.
Bodies falling.
Planes going into buildings.
People covered in gray dust.
Bodies falling.
Buildings falling.
Planes going into buildings.
Planes going into buildings.
Buildings falling.
People waving shirts out of high windows.
Bodies falling.
Planes going into buildings.
Planes going into buildings.
Bodies falling.
Planes going into buildings.
Buildings falling.
Planes going into buildings.
Planes going into buildings.
Planes going into buildings.
Bodies falling.
People waving shirts out of high windows.
Planes going into buildings.
Bodies falling.
Buildings falling.
Planes going into buildings.
Planes going into buildings.”
― Jonathan Safran Foer, (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)
"All heads are bowed in silence
To remember her last sentence, she answered him
Knowing what would happen
Her last words still hanging in the air, in the air"-Lacey
Nicole Sturm